Sports & Orthopedic Rehabilitation

What We Treat:
- Muscle Tears and strains
- Rotator Cuff tears and strains
- Chronic Tendinitis due to overuse
- ACL tears & reconstructions
- MCL & LCL sprains, tears, and reconstructions
- Ankle Sprains

We utilize various treatment methods such as:
Pain Modulation:
- We utilize various modalities to reduce your pain in order to maximize your treatments:
- Manual (hands-on) techniques
- Heat and Ice application
- Electronic stimulation
- Ultrasound
- Paraffin treatment
Joint Range of Motion progression
Flexibility and stretching routines
Joint Stabilization activities
Balance training
Plyometric jumping and cutting training
Various strengthening methods with our state-of-the-art equipment:
- Progressive loading
- Endurance training
- Weight Lifting Education
- Personalized exercise programming
- Blood Flow Restriction Training: The act of using a cuff to reduce blood flow to muscles in order to target your strength fibers with reduced resistance and load.